Workout Tip Starts Today!

Thursday, January 31, 2013

That is right. I am starting today with 1 fitness tip a day for 30 days:)

Tip one: Awesome music!

You read that right. Put on some awesome music that has a beat to it and watch what happens. If it is a beat you like, you will catch yourself moving to the beat even while sitting. Guess what, your burning calories! Especially if you engage your abs as you are moving to the beat. I actually sit in a rocking chair and rock to the beat as I am listening to the beats. Today I have put together an awesome workout playlist to make you move in your seat. All of them are by women and are motivational for any situation you are in. From losing weight to personal issues. All will keep you moving and without even thinking about it, you will be moving and burning cals :)

I would recommend getting something like Spotify. It is free and lots of great music on it!

Great cd to get is 100 #1 Workout HITS! Vol.2

It has songs like:
  • Listen to your heart
  • Since you been gone
  • If I were a boy
  • Single Ladies
  • Fire Burning
And many many more!


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