Looking for workouts in all the wrong places

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

I know I have been working out with HHA now for 3 months and not really seeing much results. I am also doing the wave workout. You would think that with me doing these daily, along with the races, that I would be losing inches and showing some sort of progress. Well, after talking to a friend, she thought she may have a little bit of a solution. My body has gotten use to the workouts. With this being said, I need to start looking in right places to get ideas for my workouts and possibly even taking on a meal replacement shake durring the day to use as my lunch (post workout) meal.

With this being said, here is where I am reaching out to you, my loyal readers. I am looking for more intense workouts and meal replacement shake ideas/ product testing. With me not having enough calories and macros in my diet, I could use the shakes to help with my weight-loss. If anyone has any ideas or knows a company that is looking for someone to product test their shakes, meals, or work outs, please let me know. I would be very interested in talking to them. Thank you a lot and hope your week is fun and your fitness journey goes the way you dream it to go :)


Anonymous said...

LiveFit trainer on bodybuilding.com is awesome! It is free and works really well. However, You can exercise all you want, but until you get your nutrition figured out, it will be hard to get the results you want. Livefit has a nutritional plan to follow too!

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