Stay strong and sweat on!

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

With the past week, I have fallen back onto my love of being a virtual DJ and my passion for music to pull me through and keep me strong when all seemed to fall apart. No matter what anyone says, you can surely tell a story and make you feel strong with the right mix of music. So I am gonna share a few songs that has helped me out this week.

The first song I think is for anyone who has ever been kicked to the dirt or hit rock bottom. This song is even for those who are tired of looking the way you do and are just starting on your fitness goal. You never know how good you are until you get up and try. So here iss an awesome song by Pink called Try.
This next song has made me realize that no matter how low someone puts you down, you are always gonna be a powerful person. Never let anyone tell you can't do it. If they do, look them dead in the eye and prove them wrong. You are perfect the way you are. You can do anything you want to do. So this song has been a great song to listen to when you feel all is lost and you can't go anymore. So here is Alicia Keys with Girl on Fire!
Okay I know this next one has been played a lot but you know this goes out to all the ladies out their who have ever been told that you are no good or that you could never amount to much. Well guess what, you are wonderful and are awesome. Stand up on your own 2 feet and shine like the diamond you are. Nothing says it better than Rhianna in Diamonds.
This one is an awesome tune to show you all how awesome you are. These are all awesoem tunes to workout with and to help you with any bad times you may be going through. So here you go everyone! You are golden and this song says it all. It's Gold by Britt Nicole.
Here are some songs for you ladies out their. No matter what you are going through, we women will stick together and will be their for you. No matter what. We together are each others hand up and will forever #SweatPink.
Mary J. Blige
Mary J Blige
Hope you like and remember, You are never alone. You always have a sister here who has got your back and will always give a helping hand up. Dust yourself off and get back to being you. Lots of love and hugs from Aphalicious Bliss. Enjoy the tunes :)


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