Awesomely Sweat Pink Awesomness!

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

That is right guys! You are looking at a new Sweat Pink Ambassador! I applied to be a Fit Approach Sweat Pink Ambassador and I got the awesome email letting me know that I am a new Sweat Pink Ambassador!! As soon as I got the email, I literally screamed and jumped up and danced around my living room. Then I opened up the doors and ran around out back 10 laps around the yard and then 10 burpees! I am so excited all I wanna do is workout and jump around the house! This email is doing awesome for my weight loss journey. I have since then, cleaned both my kids room, cleaned my bathroom and kitchen! Oh yeah I am that exited!

So due to all the excitement, I am going to do myself my own workout challange today. If you wanna join me then you can. I will do the following:
 10 Burpees
 10 min jog
 10 Jack knife Crunches
 10 Step out lunges on each side
 10 crickets

Here's to an awesome workout and a huge thanks to the awesome Sweat Pink Sisterhood!


Joanna Broadbent said...

Welcome to the group girly ;-) SPA love xoxox

Hippie Cowgirl said...

Yay, so exciting, congrats!

Krists said...

I'm new too!

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