Week 3 Doldrums

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Yeah, that is right, I have hit the 3 week doldrums. All week I have worked my bottom off and when I measured myself today and weighted in.. I was shocked to the point of wanting to cry!

As you can see from the graph above, I have been working my tushy off. Majorly! Well, I haven't lost any inches this week and actually gained 2 lbs! I am so on the verge of crying! I am confused and don't understand! With my def. I should be at least 2 lbs lighter. Not heavier! I guess next week, I got to bump up my game to 90 min of working out a day instead of the 60 I upped it to this past week. Talking about being sore this week :) But hey I need to lose the weight and get healthier. With me not allowed to run now, after the Dr. gave me the go ahead, 2 weeks later she changed it, I now have to do a brisk walk or run in place at home. I guess this is where the soccer will come into play. Tech, you are not running all the time but you are working out your whole body AND walking too :) Especially with me teaching my kids how to play :) I am not only goalie for one goal but both so I run back and forth between the 2 to keep them from scoring. Well, I let them score but make them think I am trying to block them most of the time. At times I do block it to help improve their skills :)

If you see what I am doing wrong, please tell me! I need to learn what I am doing wrong so I can fix it!

This is my week 2 pictures. I am not wearing the belt this pic so you can really see my weight gain :( I will not allow myself to be bigger than I am so I will do ANYTHING to lose this weight.


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