Work out of the day!

Thursday, February 14, 2013

After reading some of the emails, I got a link from one of my friends saying this would be a great way to help others and keep myself motivated. Well here goes. I will embed a link to a 10 min workout for all of you to enjoy :)

With yesterday being my Bump the Hump day, I figured it would be awesome to post a workout that involves a workout that will help with the bump and finally kick that fat that has taken up shop in your trunk, gone for good! I personally do most of these daily now with my workouts and I LOVE it!

If you like what you are seeing and reading, I would absolutely LOVE for you to follow along. You can either follow via the button on the left or via emails. Your choice :) I am very thankful to all of my followers and supporters. You keep me greatly motivated and on track. I owe you guys and these workouts are not only for me, they are for you guys too. Without you guys, I may have fallen off the band wagon a long time ago. THANK YOU!


Kristin Dawn said...

Hey, new follower from the Aloha Friday Blog Hop. Awesome workout, thanks for sharing! I always like finding new things to try in my workout routine. :) Looking forward to reading more!


Aph Mordly said...

Thank you :) I love viewing fellow bloggers too and loved your blog :) If you see anything you think could be better or would like to see, feel free to message me and let me know :) Looking forward to having you here :) Welcome!


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